Who am I?

      ME I’m no different than most people I guess-  I’m still trying to figure out who that person is.  All I know is I like to play music and I like to create art.  Writing songs comes naturally to me, but sometimes it’s like they have a mind of their own and I sometimes find myself held captive by them until they are recorded.  I am learning photography, but I consider myself  a “Camera Cluts”.  It’s fun working with music and video.  Art and Poetry and designing flow through me like a river. It’s like they move through me- Like the wind in the trees. I am trying  to learn acting- something I have always wanted to try. I play UNO (a drunken sailor type) in the UNO and BRUNO comedy skit I created. Dale Johnson plays BRUNO. He’s new at acting too. I am mostly self taught at Art and Music.  I love designing and inventing new ways of doing  things.  I embrace the digital age and how it connects people. Working with Apple imovie is a dream come true.  I am learning a lot from the internet, which is an awesome teacher of everything you’d ever want to know.  These are exciting times indeed.  I believe we must keep a positive attitude and not be so quick to judge others or be too critical of ourselves.  We should learn from our past. The future is ours.  We must appreciate the gift of Freedom and not take it for granted. We don’t have to RULE the World. To Set A GOOD EXAMPLE might Help. Why can’t we COMPROMISE?

                                           Rick Kremer

I do it because I



Who I Am!

Alias; Famous Last Words

Never Failius!

Never Failius!

Yes, because People know PUPPETS are NOT REAL...

So they can GET AWAY WITH MORE..

Not Really!

Wishful Thinking

  Wishing it was,

wont make it come true.

  But maybe that’s better

than playing the fool.

  A change of the heart,

A new frame of mind.

  Maybe then time…

    will not pass us by.

by Rick Kremer


Who's the Boss?

Tagalong with us!

Art is a universal form of Communication

The Creative Process

    Oh don’t get me started.  So many people have complimented me on my artistic talent.  They say it must be nice to have  such a gift.  I say it isn’t so great at all.  A lot of times it is more like a curse.  The ideas hold me for ransom.  I become a slave to them.  They haunt me in my sleep.  Ahhhhh!  A good example of this is Michelangelo.  He was commissioned to do impossible tasks.  Laying on his back high up in the air on a scaffold painting a fresco, toxic paint and plaster probably dripping into his eyes.  Only to be criticized by his employer for taking too long. Forgive me for identifying with such a great artist, but you catch my drift.

   It’s not so bad though.  It’s a good feeling to see the work accomplished and standing right there before your eyes.  The reward comes on those occasions when the final product turns out better than the original conception.  So not unlike other endevours there’s pros and cons to being an artist.  But these rewards are fleeting.  For lo and behold someone buys the piece of work and takes it away never to be seen by you again.  Oh, but what about the money received?  You know the story.  Gone before you get it.  Thats life.


if only we Could...

by Rick Kremer

Pour out our souls- Let Hatred subside.

Respect one another.

Be courteous and kind.

Speak in good faith.  All of the time.

Be not the judge.  Seek peace of mind.

Learn from our harships.

Not be so Damn Proud!

    Look to the Future- for cry’n out loud!

Don't Failius. Drop us a Line... Sometime

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