About Puppets

  Puppet building is a odd sort of behavior which if I may say so raises a few eyebrows in certain social circles.  Oh the guy builds puppets does he?  Could it be my puppets are better friends than those who ridicule me for making them?  Maybe they are smarter too.


  You can’t blame people for talking.  For that’s what they do best.  But ultimately maybe they are right.  On the other hand what’s wrong with a laugh once in a while?  The puppet can get away with more sarcasm and vivid truths than a real person can.  He’s only a puppet.  Whatever it is that drives me to make puppets doesn’t matter I guess, for the fact remains they have become a reality.  Or shall we say that it is my job to make them become a reality.  They sit there looking at me with a blank stupid looks on their faces from across the room. They await their next role.  To come to life for the next bit role I choose to place them in.  For now I have 6 puppets.  However 2 are still works in progress.  There is Cheesy the Cheesehead, Thor the Viking, and Mike Mahoney who I have cast into a web football series called The Mike Mahoney Show.  Then there is Sparky the Crow who was collecting dust for awhile but is to hit the web cam here or there as a fill in, but he is currently starring in Whatever Suits Your Fancy- One of the Psych on a Bike Series episodes found on this website.  Sparky also has a wing that attaches for flying. (Shown in construction below).  What are puppets made of you may ask?  Anything and everything.  Wood, Plastic bottles,  metal-  You name it.

 crow-wing-construction sparky-the-crow

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